What is Constitution?

What is Constitution?

The Supreme Court stated, “A Constitution is a document which serves as the fundament law of the State; that body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the power of sovereignty are habitually exercised.


Written and Unwritten
      (A) Written -one whose precepts are embodied in one document or set of documents.
 (B) Unwritten- consists of rules which have not been integrated into a single, concrete form but are scattered in various sources.
a. statutes of fundamental character;
b. judicial decisions;
c. commentaries of publicists;
d. customs and traditions;
e. certain common law principles.

      Enacted and Evolved 
(A) Enacted (conventional) -formally struck off at a definite time and place following a conscious or deliberate effort taken by a constituent body or ruler.
(B) Evolved (Cumulative) -the result of political evolution, not inaugurated at any specific time but changing by accretion rather than by any systematic method.

Rigid and Flexible
(A) Rigid - one that can be amended only by a formal and usually difficult process.
(B) Flexible - one that can be changed by ordinary legislation.

What kind of Constitution does the Philippines have?
 It is very evident that the Philippine have a written, conventional and rigid  Constitution.

What are the essential parts of a good written Constitution?
    (A) Constitution of Liberty—sets forth the fundamental civil and political rights of the citizens and imposes limitations on the powers of the government as a means of securing the enjoyment of those rights. e.g. Bill of Rights ART. 3
  (B) Constitution of Government—outlines the organization of the government, enumerates its powers, lays down certain rules relative to its administration and defines the electorate. e.g. Legislative ART 6, Executive ART 7 and Judicial Departments ART 8, Constitutional Commissions ART 9
    (C) Constitution of Sovereignty—the provisions pointing out the mode or procedure in accordance with which formal changes in the fundamental law may be brought about. e.g. Amendments or Revisions ART 17.


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