Social Constructivist Theory

 Social Constructivist

      1.      Who developed the theory of social constructivism?
A.       Albert Bandura
B.       B.F. Skinner
C.       Lev Vygotsky
D.      Jean Piaget
2.        What does social constructivism emphasize in cognitive development?
A.       Individual learning
B.       Social interactions
C.      Biological factors
D.      Technological advancements
3.        According to social constructivism, how do cognitive functions emerge?
A.       From individual learning
B.       From biological factors
C.      From technological advancements
D.      From social interactions
4.        What did Lev Vygotsky emphasize in cognitive development?
A.       Role of language and culture
B.       Role of biological factors
C.      Role of technology
D.      Role of individual learning
5.        How is knowledge viewed in social constructivism?
A.       Culturally co-constructed
B.       Biologically determined
C.      Technologically enhanced
D.      Individually constructed




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