Moral Development

 Moral Development

    1.        According to Lawrence Colberg, how many distinct stages of moral reasoning do individuals progress through?
A.    Five
B.       Six
C.      Three
D.      Eight

2.        At which level of moral reasoning do children accept authority and moral codes from others?
A.       Conventional level
B.       Unconventional level
C.      Postconventional level
D.      Preconventional level

3.        What is the scenario used by Colberg to test moral development?
A.       The Smith Dilemma
B.       The Hines Dilemma
C.      The Brown Dilemma
D.      The Johnson Dilemma

4.        At the conventional level of moral reasoning, what do children believe determines acceptable behavior?
A.       Peer pressure
B.       Personal beliefs
C.      Social rules and others' expectations
D.      Media influence

5.        According to Colberg, what matters more than the actual answer in moral reasoning?
A.       The emotional response
B.       The reasoning behind decisions
C.      The external factors
D.      The consequences

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