What is Political Science?

What is political science?

Political science is the systematic study of government and politics. It is a branch of social science, it studies human behavior just like sociology, anthropology, psychology, and economics.

How important is political science? We need to study our government because it is connected to our daily lives. If a crime is being committed, you need to call the police department or the agency of the government to uphold the peace. If there is a fire, you ask the help of the fire department. Evidently, both are government agencies.

Why does the government or political institution exist? In the book of Politics written by Aristotle, he stated that "man by nature is a political animal." A state is a creation of nature; it is not a mere accident. Also, Samuel von Pufendorf stated, "Man is naturally sociable, and they are naturally drawn to various political associations in order to satisfy their social needs."

Political science has often been defined as who gets what, when, where, and how. This means that the study is about power relationships or the distribution of power. For example, in a democratic country, power is distributed among the three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive has the power to implement laws, the legislative has the power to promulgate laws, and the judicial has the power to interpret laws.

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