Social Science Disciplines and Their Etymologies

Sociology is from the Latin word "Socius" which means "associate or companion" and Greek word logos" which means "study".

Political Science derived from the Greek word "polis" which means "city-state and the Latin word "scire" which means "to study."

Linguistics derived from the Latin term "lingue," which means tongue.

Anthropology is from the Greek words "Anthropos" which means "man," and "logos," which means "to study."

Economics derived from the Greek word" oikanomia," which means "household management."

History is from the Greek word "Istoria" which means "knowing by inquiry".

Geography is from the Latin words "geo" which means "Earth," and "graphein," which means "to describe".

Psychology derived from two Greek words, “psyche”, meaning the mind, soul, or spirit, and "logos," meaning discourse or to study.

Demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something."

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