Community Action / Community Engagement

Community Action refers to the collective efforts of people directed towards addressing social problems, in order to achieve social well-being. This includes a broad range of activities; it is sometimes described as “social action” or community engagement”

Community is defined as a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. It refers to a group of people that can be equated to stakeholders, interest groups or citizen groups. On the other hand, engagement derived from the principle of respect to all members of the community, which are the right to be informed, consulted, involved and empowered.

It can be deduced that community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people. It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that will improve the health of the community and its members. It often involves partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices (CDC, 1997).

Moreover, it is a method of developing partnerships and sustaining relationships with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity of common interest for the purpose of working for common good by addressing issues affecting their well-being.

According to (Bassler et al, 2008) there are five guiding principles of a successful community engagement, namely:

  1. Increase citizens' knowledge about a community and/or the issue you are seeking to address; 
  2. Encourage citizens to co-create additional knowledge and understanding and applying that      knowledge;
  3. Use knowledge to improve the community or address the identified problem;
  4. Create future opportunities for citizens to engage each other; and
  5. Ensure that these opportunities and effective communications become a regular and on-going component of the process.

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