Emile Durkheim on Types of Suicide

Emile Durkheim  

A French philosopher and born on April 15,1858. He was the author of “Le Suicide” which was published in 1897. It was stated in his book, suicide is not related to psycho-pathic, heredity, climate or unhappy love. He classified suicide based on different types of relationship between the actor and society.

  1. Egoistic suicide. A person may commit suicide when he feels isolated from the society. Example, a person with low social interaction. 
  2. Altruistic suicide. When a person is very intimate to a group like religion or country.  Example, a spy or member of a cult.
  3. Anomic suicide. A person may commit suicide through breakdown of social equilibrium. Example, bankruptcy or after winning a lottery.
  4. Fatalistic suicide. When person are kept under tight regulation. Example, when a person is imprison.                                 

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